Wednesday, May 29, 2013



Ok, So I think I may have mentioned in a previous post that you have a best friend named Flopsy.  Flopsy is your grey bunny that you are absolutely in love with.  I dont even know if the word Love is strong enough for the way you feel about your Flopsy.  Its more like an obsession really.  You bring her everywhere and the moment you leave the room, she has to go with you.  She has been everywhere from the park, to lunch, dinner, the zoo, Home Depot, the grocery store, etc.  Really she is just like another child now and she goes everywhere we go.  At first I tried to make you leave her in the car places and then I quickly realized that it was not an option if I wanted a happy toddler so she just comes along.  Here are a "few" pic of the many pictures we have of you and Flopsy......

 Testing Flopsy out in your sisters swing....
 At Home Depot......
 Hanging out while mommy gets ready.....
 Getting ready for the pool.....
 Day Dreaming.....
 In your crib...and might I mention that you LOVE to put Flopsy's tag in your ear and your eye!
 At Publix
 Eating Ice Cream at lunch
 Watching TV
 In Daddys truck 
 Eating Breakfast on the couch
 Riding your car
 Riding your car
 Throwing a tantrum
Having an afternoon snack

As you can see Luke, your love for Flopsy runs deep!  She is by far your best friend and you love her to pieces.  I only hope we can manage to never lose her because you would be one upset little boy! ha.  We have tried replacement bunnies and you know the difference right away!  Flopsy is your one and only and I sure hope your college roommate is ok with her because at the rate were going, I have a feeling she may be making an appearance at Auburn with you! ha! I love you sweet boy!

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