With baby Luke's arrival only being a few short weeks away ( a little over 6 to be exact), we have been working on the nursery a little bit each day. To our surprise, at my doctors appointment this week, we found out that we were going to be induced a week early to insure that our favorite doctor would be there to deliver us. With learning this news came the realization that we really needed to put things in high gear and finish up all our loose ends. The nursery has been one of the loose ends I am referring to. For some reason, I have been extremely relaxed about finishing the nursery but hopefully it will not be too much longer till it is complete. Here are a few pics of what we have done so far....
Here is Luke's dresser, laundry basket and book shelf. The dresser is going to have all matching silver nobs. As you can see we are two short ( the bottom two) but will be getting those this weekend. The laundry basket was a wonderful gift from John's aunt. I just love the look of this and know it is something that Luke will be able to keep in his room for a very long time. The bookshelf is from Restoration Hardware just like the laundry basket and I honestly think it may be one of my favorite pieces in the nursery. It is so cute and hung low enough that as Luke grows he will be able to reach and pick out his own books starting at a very early age.

Close up

Here is a picture of everything that is to the right of the book shelf. The chaise lounge was a piece that I debated over for quite some time before deciding to refinish it and put it into the nursery. I had talked to several of my friends who were mom and asked them where they did most of their feeding. The general answer I got was either on the couch or on their bed. With that in mind, I figured that the chaise lounge would be a good asset to have in the nursery. It is extremely comfortable and big enough that if I have to sleep in Luke's room, it would not be a total nightmare. ha. It also was from Restoration Hardware but we had it recovered to match the fabrics in the nursery.

Close up

Here is a picture of Luke's crib. It is by far the most babyish thing in the room but I sill love it. I knew going into designing this room that I was going to stay away from the traditional baby nursery. Not to say that I don't like a traditional baby nursery because I do but I knew I just wanted a room that would be easy to transition into a "big boy" room in a few short years. I know that I am missing out on some of the sweet little things that a traditional nursery has but I was trying to be reasonable and knew that if I had done a sweet baby nursery I would be turning around in just a few short years and redoing the room. So with that being said, I decided to make the bedding sweet and babyish so I could have a little touch of baby.

Here is baby Luke's coat rack / blanket rack. In the Restoration Hardware baby catalogue I fell in love with a coat rack they had in one of the rooms. To my disappointment, it was only a prop and not for sale. John took one look at it and told me not to worry because he could make the same thing. To my surprise, he did! He did such a wonderful job and now it is special because it is made by Luke's daddy! Good job Johnny!
Those are just a few of the updated pictures we have so far. Ill keep posting as week keep working on the room!
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