Wow, I guess it has been a little while since I have last posted a blog. To catch you up, I finally passed my sugar test so I do not have gestational diabetes! Thank goodness! It took the whole 3 hours to pass it but never the less, I passed! The past couple of weeks have been crazy around the Taylor household. We have been working like crazy on the house to try and get everything in order before our little man arrives. I have a baby shower with all my best friends in two weeks and can not wait to see everyone and have everyone around for a weekend! With that being said, it gives John and I plenty of motivation to get our house in order. We have been working on finishing the rest of the basement (from when it flooded) and kinda putting together Luke's room. Luke's room has been a little harder to get together because I want to wait to get all the pieces in before I put anything on the walls. So far, we have the room painted, put the crib up, put the bedding in and put the rug down. We also have a dresser in there as well as a changing table. I am still waiting on my chase lounge to come in as well as a few other pieces that I want from Restoration Hardware and hopefully the Sugarboo dog painting. I have been extremely hesitant to hang anything on the walls until I have all the furniture in and know exactly where I want things to go. This weekend we celebrated baby Hank's baptism! It was such a sweet time and we all really enjoyed watching Hank on his big day. He wore an outfit that Sheryl made him and he looked absolutely presious! During the service, he was an angel! He sat so quiet and calm and didnt cry a bit!

Matt, Kel and Hank

Hudson, Kel and Hank

This picture of Hudson and Brody was taken on the way back from church. These two little boys are absolutely hilarious. They rode from church to Hanks baptism lunch with John and I and decided that it was way too hot outside to wear their church clothes! They told us that they were sweating to death and didnt want to get their clothes dirty, so off went the clothes! Haha I guess I will have some good training for when Luke tells me the same things!

This evening Matt, Kelly and Hank stopped by to see Luke's room and this is a picture of Hank playing with the jumparoo! He was the perfect model for us to see how everything worked! Luckily, we picked a good toy because Hank seemed to love it! Having Hank up in Luke's room made me so excited for the future. Hank and Luke will only be 9 months apart so I am certain that these two will spend many hours together playing in this room and having slumber parties. We are so blessed to have so many cousins but I am especially excited to see the sweet friendship these two little guys will have being so close in age!

Here is a picture of Luke's Crib and changing table. Obviously, the changing table doesn't quite have everything it needs yet (ie: the changing pad, more baskets, etc) but you get the point so far. I spoke with Sheryl yesterday about possibly lining the baskets in a fun fabric to match the room and also make the baskets a little softer.

Close up of the crib

Close up of the bumper and also Luke's friends who are waiting on him!

Here last but not least, is the shocker of all shockers! ha! Here is what 5' tall looks like at 29 weeks pregnant! Crazy right! I honestly dont know how I am going to get any bigger and how my body is going to be able to handle it! If I am being completely honest, I dont know if I am going to enjoy the last 11 weeks very much. I am already at the point where my body doesnt feel good and I just cant get comfortable. I am just having to remind myself that I am going to get a wonderful present out of this and that I will be back to normal one day! ha. Lets hope its sooner than later! Look back for more room updates soon! xoxo
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