OK, so with only 35 days till my actual due date, I have really been thinking towards the future lately. One of the things that I think about constantly besides what my baby will look like, act like, etc, is HOW IN THE WORLD AM I GOING TO GET BACK IN SHAPE AFTER I GET THIS BABY OUT?!? Ha. With that in mind, last night I was brainstorming about different ways I could motivate myself to get back in shape after Luke is born. Then it hit me, I realized that if I set a goal and made it public, I would have a far better chance of reaching it than if I just worked out by myself. So with that being said, I researched different races in the Knoxville area and decided to pick one. I knew I had to give myself some recovery time and also time to "train" so I decided to go with Autumnfest, which is an 8k race on Thanksgiving morning. It is a goal that will make me stick to a schedule but also not too big of a goal that I might not be able to reach in the amount of time I have allotted myself. I think an 8k is just the right distance for my first race. Its not as wimpy as a 5k but not as ambitious as a 10k. John being the sweet husband that he is (or the husband that wants his wife back in shape- ha) offered to run it with me for support. For those of you that don't know John, this is extremely sweet of him due to the fact he can run 15+ miles cold turkey so he will basically be skipping next to me the whole time. Oh well, at least he will keep me motivated. Hey, he may even be able to push Luke in his Bob Stroller if it isn't too cold outside. Ok, so now that I have gotten this out there, I think its safe to say that I am locked in! If I try to get out of it, feel free to call me out! I need all the motivation I can get! Hope everyone is having a good week! xoxo!
Sounds like a great plan Megs! I hope to do something similar after Baby D, but I'll probably start off with a whimpy 5k... Running is tough for me, but I love what it does for my thighs! ;)