Sunday, August 5, 2012

9 month Update (Way late I know)

The past few months have just flown by and I have been terrible about doing monthly blog posts.  Considering Luke's First birthday is next week, I figured I should probably update the blog with his 9 month doctor's apt stats and info.  Sorry its so late, I guess we have been spending our days playing instead of blogging!

9 Month Apt (5-9-2012)
Weight- 23lbs 1.5 oz  (85%)
Length- 28 1/2 inches (60%)
Head Circumference- 19 inches (98%)

You have become such a big guy this month!! You are officially crawling everywhere and getting into everything!  We have put away almost all your baby equipment with the exception of the jumparoo and doorway jumper which you will only let us put you in those every once in a while.  You still like them but now that you have figured out how to crawl, you like to explore the world!

You are in size 4 diapers (Pampers Cruisers) and size 12-18 month clothing.  You can still fit in a few 12 month pants/shorts but they are on their way out soon.

You are still eating pureed food but we are now giving you little pieces of real food too!  You love to feed yourself in your high chair and have just learned how to actually pick up the little pieces of food and put it in your mouth.  We mostly let you practice with your puffs and yogurt melts but also some soft pieces of vegetables or fruit as well.

You are still taking 2 naps a day at 11am and 2 pm.  Each nap lasts somewhere between 1-2 hrs (sometimes longer or shorter depending on how much activity you have had during the day).  Your bedtime is 8pm on the dot! You are such a schedule baby and if we try and push your bedtime, we end up with a very unhappy guy!  You normally have such a good temperament but man the moment we mess with your bedtime, you let us know what you think! ha.

Your nighttime routine normally looks something like this.....dinner at 6pm, bath starts around 7:15pm, bottle at 7:45pm, lights out at 8pm. Funny enough, you still love to be blow-dried after your bath.  We started this when you were a little baby to help dry out your umbilical cord and now it has become a bad habit with a few benefits (not going to bed with your head wet & making sure your bottom is fully dry so you don't get diaper rash). I can't blame you though, I mean who wouldn't want to get dried off with warm air after getting out of the bath.  Oh my little High Maintenance baby!

This past month, you also had your first "real" baby sitter.  By real I mean someone not related to you.  Kay Sanford watched you on the night of your Uncle Marks birthday party and you LOVED her! You had such a wonderful time and did fabulously! Now every time you see Kay, you go right to her! Its so sweet!!

Well I guess thats all the updates so far!! We love you so much buddy and are so proud of you!!

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