Wow! Where do I even begin?!? This past month has been the most surreal month I have ever experienced in my whole life! It has been the most special, most wonderful month I could ever imagine but it has also been the hardest and most sleep deprived month too. ha. From the moment we brought you home, you had us wrapped around your little finger. Your smiles melted us and your whimpers made up jump to our feet. The first two weeks, you were a breeze. Let me elaborate on that a little. ha. You basically slept all day and just woke up for feedings and diaper changes. That does not go to say that we had an easy time during the first two weeks. I was a complete wreck. ha. Go figure, during the weeks where you were basically sleeping 22 hours a day, I was terrified! Every little move and sound you made, absolutely terrified me! I am not normally a nervous person but you had a few bumps along the way that terrified me. To start off with, you were born with jaundice and we had to visit Children's hospital 3 times until we got that under control. While Children's hospital is a very nice hospital and we are very lucky to have it so close to our house, it is not a place you want to go with your newborn. Just when we thought we had said goodbye to Children's, we were sent back when we could not get your tummy under control. Turns out, you have a bad case of reflux. For about a week, you would throw up (projectile vomit) several of your feedings a day. At this point, you were mostly breast fed and apparently your little tummy was not able to keep it all down. We are still unsure if it was the amount you were consuming, the rate at which you were drinking or a combination of the two. Luckily for us, after an ultra sound on your tummy we figured out it was not pyloric stenosis, which they were originally worried that it would be. Thankfully, after putting you on some prescription medicine and adding a 1/2 teaspoon of baby rice to every ounce of milk you drank, we fixed our reflux problem. At this point, I finally started to calm down and not worry so much about everything. I can still remember the nights that I did not sleep more than 15 minutes because I would stare at you all night, terrified that you would choke if you threw up. Sleep deprivation can really make a person nuts. ha. I never knew I had that side of myself but then again, I have never loved anything or anyone as much as I love you! You have truly shown me a whole new side of myself that I never knew ex histed. You have shown me that I have the ability to love someone so much that I would honestly do ANYTHING for them. You are such a special little boy and I am so privileged to be your mommy!
So, since I am using this blog as a way to keep track of all your milestones I guess I will go ahead and list several of our milestones/experiences from this past month.
Things you love: Your little giraffe blanket, your wubbanub, and the hair dryer.
For a solid week, we (me, john and the doctor) thought you had colic. You would get so upset every night from about 1am-5am. You would cry and cry and nothing worked to console you. We would drive around in the car, which worked a little, until we hit a stop light or until we got so tired we had to go home. Just when we thought we couldn't take it anymore, we discovered the hair dryer! We always knew you liked the hair dryer because when you still had your umbilical cord, we used to have to hair dry it to dry it out and you always got so calm and loved the noise it made as well as the cool/warm air on your tummy. So one night when you were really upset I turned on the hair dryer and magically you were calm. This started the beginning of using the hair dryer to put you to sleep at night. Thank goodness we finally outgrew this because I can honestly say there were several nights I almost burned the house down when I feel asleep with the hair dryer in my hand but hey, at least you were asleep! ha
Length of time you kept your umbilical cord: Gosh, probably close to 20 days. Yours took forever to fall off because the doctor said I cleaned to too much. ha. Go figure. That's where the hair dryer trick came into play.
Friends that came to visit you in your first month: Aunt Shmo (Morgan Jones), Aunt Christen, Uncle Wewe (Morgan Phillips- he chose the name) and then of course all our Knoxville friends: Aunt Bev, Christian, Rob, Julie, Jennifer, Ashley and Jay, and many more.
Measurements at your 1 month doctors visit:
weight- 10 lbs 5 oz (90%)
Length - 21 1/2 in (50%)
Head Circumference - 15 1/8 in (70%)
Lukey, You are honestly the best thing that has ever happened to your dad and me. We are so inlove with you and cant wait to watch you grow up and become the wonderful little boy we know you are going to be. You bring so much joy to our lives already and I know it is only going to get better with each day that we have you in our lives! Hope your first month was as fun for you as it was for us! We love you little guy!
xoxo, mommy
Here are all the pics from your first month!
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