HOORAY!! The nursery is finally painted!! I can not even begin to tell you what a relief it is to have Luke's nursery painted and the crib set up! I feel like up until this point I needed John to help me with everything and now I can finally go in there and work on my own. We have spent the past several weekends taping off the nursery for painting the lines and let me tell you, that is no easy task! When you are married to a perfectionist and live in an old house where all the wall, floors and ceilings are uneven, painting horizontal lines can become a nightmare. Luckily, all his hard work payed off! The lines were perfect and not one needs to be fixed! I am so grateful to have such a patient husband because lets be honest, I do believe that is one personality trait that I'm lacking. Oh well! Below is a bunch of pictures of the nursery as well as items that I am thinking that I want to go in the nursery. Ill explain everything step by step below....

This first picture is a picture of the wall directly to your left when you walk into the room. As you can see the doorway is in the very left hand side of the picture. This chest was originally in our bedroom and I just moved it upstairs today to try it out. It is actually a little darker than I thought I wanted in the nursery but I think I'm starting to warm up to the idea of having it in there. It fits nicely on the wall and also brings a different look to the room. I would put Luke's changing pad in top and diaper pale in the corner to the right. Above the dresser would be the Sugarboo designs white dog painting that I put in an earlier post. If you do not know about sugarboo designs, I strongly suggest you check them out! I love them.

This a a pic of the laundry basket that I want for Luke's room. Its from Restoration Hardware baby and I love how Boyish it is! I feel like it totally screams boy and also its something he will be able to keep for a very long time. I am not totally into baby rooms looking very babyish so I figured this was a good little boy basket. This would probably go next to the diaper pail or in one of the corners.

Next is a picture of the crib and the chest above. As you can see I still don't have the bedding because it is being made but hopefully that will be done any day now. The bedding is bright turquoise and green so it will brighten up the gray and white walls.

This cubby is from Restoration Hardware baby as well. It is an industrial look to go along with the gray theme. I would probably put this to the right of the crib in the corner. I would use it for book or pictures or whatever!

Here is a picture of what you see when you are standing in the doorway to the room. As you can see I have yet to remove the TV but I can assure you that it will be gone shortly. In front of the windows I think I am going to put a bunch of baskets for toys, books, and blankets. I want to keep the windows open so I can get as much natural sunlight as possible.

Here is an example of one of the baskets I love. Can you guess where its from?? Yep! Restoration Hardware baby. I think I am beginning to see a trend. Ha, I guess I just like their little boy stuff.

This picture is taken to the right of the window. In this corner I will have a Chase lounge. I am having it covered in a comfy suede and making it a cozy feeding/reading chair. In this corner I will have a side table with a lamp as well as somewhere to put his little books.

Here is a lamp I found at Home Goods. We are doing a natural rug on the floor so I thought this may be a fun way to tie in the natural fiber element. Not sure but it an option!

Here is a book shelf that I could hang on the wall behind the chair. I love the style of wood! Restoration hardware. ha

Possible side table from Home Goods??

Lastly, here is the little nook that I am sure Luke will spend hours playing in. It is perfect for a little kid to use at a reading spot. Its so bright and fun. Below are two pictures of a chalk board and a push pin board that I want to put side by side on the wall to the right of the window. I The chalkboard will be great just to draw on or leave reminder messages of things we have coming up. My idea for the push pin board was to put all his artwork, pictures or even invitations on it. I

Restoration hardware baby

Restoration hardware baby.
Ok, by now you may be thinking to yourself wow, that is a lot of gray and white. I promise you it wont be overwhelming. I plan to bring lots of color in through accents. I was just nervous to put too much color in and make it look like a nursery school. I still have to look into curtains, pillows, picture frames and many other little nick knacks that will hopefully bring just the right amount of color into the room. This is just the beginning stages but hopefully you like what you saw so far! I feel like we have gotten a big jump on it now that the painting is done and now I can begin the fun stuff. Hope everyone had a great weekend!
xoxo, Meg
Meg, it looks awesome! The paint turned out just like the picture! I love the laundry and toy bin and the wood book shelf! Luke is already such a lucky boy, he has no idea!