Sad! I guess you can already see from the picture that my first sugar test which tests for gestational diabetes was a bust! I went into the appointment a little nervous because I had heard from friends that this was by far their least favorite of all their appointments. You go in and really have nothing to look forward to. The doctor weighs you in, takes your blood pressure and then hands you the dreaded drink. At first I was imagining something gooey but to my surprise it was a little orange drink that resembled a Sunkist. While I will be honest, I didn't think it tasted exactly like a Sunkist, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It kinda tasted like I was drinking a bunch of melted popsicles. By no means did I enjoy it but I could bare it. You have two minutes to chug the drink and have to keep it down for an hour so they can check your blood sugar once an hour had passed. After I drank my "orange soda" I went back out to the waiting room to being the waiting process. Luckily, I was there with a really sweet girl who was about my age and we just talked about our pregnancies and nurseries the whole time. Once the hour passed, the nurse came and got me and began running the tests. I say tests loosely because all she had to do was prick my finger and then she could run all the tests she needed off a few little drops of blood. The first thing they were checking for was gestational diabetes and the second was to see if I was anemic. Well turns out that today was just not my lucky day and I failed both tests. ha. I am anemic and have to take iron supplements and I also get to come back in for a second round of diabetes testing. The second test is a 3hr test and I get to drink twice the amount of the nasty orange soda as I did this time. Awesome! Just what I was hoping for right?! Wrong! Never in a million years would I have guessed that I am anemic. I eat red meat and salads all the time. I guess Luke is just stealing all my Iron out of my body and using it for himself! Oh well, I would rather figure all this stuff out now and correct it and have a healthy baby than let it go unnoticed. There was one bit of good news though! Last night I got on the scale and about had a heart attack. The number on the scale was one that I had obviously never seen before and I honestly didn't think felt right. Well lucky for me, it wasn't! I got weighed this morning and to my surprise, my scale at home was way off! Wahoo! Now lets be honest for a minute, I have never seen the number at the doctors office scale either but I was told I was doing really well and that I had only gained 13 lbs the whole pregnancy (27 weeks). They said that was right where I needed to be so I felt a little better. I guess ill take it considering the rest of the news I received today was not exactly fun. So.....next Tuesday, I go back in for my second round of tests. If I pass this then im great. If not, I get to partake in a strict diet and also look into insulin shots. Oh joy! So if your reading this, please say a little prayer that I pass!