I seriously cant believe that you are already seven months old! You are getting so big and looking more and more like a toddler every day! I am so sad my sweet baby is growing up so quickly but at the same time, you are getting more and more fun as each day passes! You have developed your own little personality and it is so cute! You are sweet as can be laughing and talking one minute and then out of no where comes a scream that lets us know that you mean business! It mostly comes in the car when we are busy driving and you are not getting the attention you want. I think its safe to say, you may be developing a little bit of a temper. ha!
This month you did not a have monthly well baby check up at the doctor so we did not get all your stats but we were able to get your weight. You are still growing like a weed and weighing in at 21 (ish) pounds.
You have also had a fun month trying out new things! This month, you were finally big enough to ride in the grocery cart. You absolutely LOVED IT! You were looking around at everything with big bright eyes and not paying a bit of attention to me! ha (As you can see I couldn't even get him to look at me for a pic) We recently bought you a cover to put in the cart of over a high chair but I don't really like it and need to find another one.
You also had your first experience with severe storms and sleeping in the basement. It was a long night of bad storms and I was not willing to risk a chance of anything happening to my sweet baby so you got to sleep on a pad of blankets in the shower. Half way through the night, you woke up and wanted to go back to your bed so we had to entertain you with Mickey Mouse Club House on our phones till the storm passed! All and All it was not too bad but I sure hope sleeping in the basement does not become a regular thing!
You are currently in 6-12 months clothes still but we are starting to buy you all 12-18 month clothes for the spring. You have worn a few of your 12-18 month outfits and while they are a little big still, I would not say they are huge on you!
You are in between diaper sizes and wear either a size 3 or 4 in pampers cruisers depending on which ever we grab.
Some of your favorite time this month was spent with your cousins. You absolutely LOVE Hudson and Brody and are amazed by everything they do! They love you too and love to snuggle with you so its a win win situation!
With the spring weather we have had this month, we have been able to get out and about a lot more! We have been on a lot of walks around Lakeshore and our neighborhood and also have made a few shopping trips as well. You are so easy to take around and I swear we get stopped every 5 feet so someone can say hello or take a look at your sweet face.
You daddy thought it was hilarious to dress you like a "redneck baby" as he likes to sing and put you in Carhartt overalls and a camo UT hat to go to Home Depot. While I did find it hilarious, I certainly prefer you in Auburn Colors and realized I need to get you a few new shirts and hats that you can wear around to support our Tigers!

This month you have also been battling a little teething pain. For two nights in a row you woke up about 5-7 times through out the night. It was no fun for anybody, so we had to find a solution quickly! I was pretty desperate and finally a pharmacist told me about how Ibuprofen works much better than Tylenol because it helps reduce the swelling of the gums and it worked like a charm! We also used the Orajel teething tablets during the day but honestly I'm not really sure how well they worked. There are several other kinds of teething tablets that do work better but I'm not comfortable with giving them to you due to an ingredient in them that could harm you. Belladonna is the ingredient in the other teething tablets that helps with teething but has also been known to cause seizures, difficulty breathing and muscle weakness. So to sum it all up, a few rough nights are worth it in comparison! I love you way too much to give you something that could cause those effects!

You reflux has been pretty bad this month as well! At first, it started with just spitting up/ throwing up a lot more than normal. It was getting pretty annoying having to change you and myself after every time you ate so we quickly called the doctor and had them increase your prilosec dosage to 3ML 2 times a day. While I though that would work for sure, it didn't! Next you started to balk at your bottles again! This really bothered me because I do NOT want to go back to the days of you refusing all your bottles. This week you went to bed 2 nights without eating your last bottle, so once again we went back to the doctor. This time, we were given three options of what we could do. First, change your formula (again) to Similiac Sensitive for spit up (the green colored one that has rice added in). When you were little we had to put 1/2 tsp of rice into every oz of milk you drank and that seemed to work so hopefully adding the rice back in will help this time too! Second option is to add Zantac back into your bottles. You were already on Zantac before being put on Prilosec but now they are thinking about doing them both together! Third option is to go see a pediatric stomach doctor and have them run a full scope of tests on your stomach. While I'm sure the stomach doctors are wonderful, I am not ready to have them poke and prod you while doing all their tests, so we are going to try the first and second options first. I have high hopes that you will outgrow this by your first birthday and we can move on!
One thing that your Aunt Christen mentioned too is that your reflux could be acting up because of all the new foods you are trying. We need to remember to keep you away from acidic foods because they are not good for reflux babies. That means no Red or Orange fruits. Sorry buddy, no more strawberries for a while!
The past few days you have been showing signs of starting to crawl!! I am so excited for you and know you are so excited about this new skill! Every time you push up to your hands and knees, you look around to get our praise. Its so funny to see you rock back and forth and only move backwards! No matter how hard you try, you can not figure out how to go forwards. You can scoot around the whole room backwards but I know its only a matter of time before you are cruising around the room in the right direction!
This month Dale got hit by a car and you have done a wonderful job taking care of him! You love your brother and we are so happy that he is starting to feel better!
It has been a wonderful 7 months buddy and I cant wait to see all the new
things your discover in the next month!