My sweet baby is growing up so fast! While I absolutely love to watch how you grow and change every day, I am a little sad you are growing up so fast. Your dad and I jokingly call you our toddler because you are so big and no longer look like our little newborn that we brought home from the hospital just two short months ago. You are growing like a weed and are so smart already. You amaze us daily with things you do and milestones you reach.
*You weigh 12 lbs 13.5 oz. (90%)
*You are 23 1/4 inches tall. (65%)
*Your head circumference is 16 1/4 in (80%)
I think it is pretty safe to say that you are one big baby
You are starting to become quite the little sleeper, which your dad and I love. You sleep 6 1/2 - 8 hours a night without waking. You normally get your last feeding in at anywhere between 11:15pm to 12:00am and sleep until anywhere between 6:45am to 8:00am. We swaddle you now which is why I think you are sleeping much better. You love it even tough you look like a little burrito.
During the day your naps are anywhere from an hour to three hours. You are not the normal napper. You like to stay asleep for long stretches of time and then awake for long stretches of time. Your best nap is usually in the morning around 9am and it is normally for about 3 hours. Later in the night we try and keep up awake as much as possible so that you will sleep well at bedtime.
You love tubby time (taking a bath). You love the warm water and hanging your little leg over the outside of the sling in the bath tub. You also love to pee in the bath! Go figure! Little Boys! Lucky for us, all you have done is pee but im sure one day you will surprise us with the other as most little children do. ha. Hopefully we have a while before that happens. After baths you love to be hair dried. Our routine is bath, wrap up in a towel, put on a diaper, hair dry you while we put on your lotion and then put your hydrocortazone on your face for your baby acne.

Your eating habbits change with the day. One minute you are the best eater ever and will suck down a bottle and the next you fight us for 2 hours just trying to get in one feeding. You dad and I have spent many feedings on the couch watching full episodes of a show, just trying to get you to finish one bottle. You will literally stick your tounge out trying to block us from putting your bottle in your mouth. While I probably should not care because you are so big, I just cant seem to let you get away with out taking your bottle. Next month, I am going to try and let it go and say you will eat if you are hungry. ( ha I say that, but I bet I will be sitting there trying for hours then too.) You are probably just stubborn like your Momma!
You have officially out grown all your newborn clothes! You are in 0-3 month clothes and will probably be in 3-6 month clothes before we know it!
You are in size one diapers and they fit you perfectly.
You love your tummy time mat but prefer to lay on it on your back. You love looking up at all the animals and kicking the different animals that hang down to hear the rattle inside them. The lights on the mat fascinate you and you get so mad when the timer turns them off. Your favorite song that the mat plays is "skip to the lou" and you kick your legs like crazy when it comes on.
Your swing and bounce seat are either a hit or a miss with you. You have to be kind of tired for us to put you in them. If you are not tired, you want nothing to do with them. You would prefer to be held over anything (you are kind of spoiled). ha
You have started to love your Bumbo seat. You are still a bit young for it since your head is still a bit unsturdy but we put a pillow behind your head and it works perfectly.
My favorite milestone that you have reached this month is that you are SMILING! It absolutely melts my heart to see you smile! You love to smile at your daddy and me and we love to watch you do it!
Whenever you are tired, you hold your ear for comfort. You have done this since you were a few weeks old and continue to do it now.
Recently you have been trying to suck your thumb. You have always loved pacifiers when you are upset and this week you have tried to soothe yourself with sucking your hand. There were a few times when I thought you may have found your thumb but you have not quite got the hang of it yet. I bet you will soon are so close!
You talk and coo all the time when you are happy. You love to coo when someone is talking to you and when you are playing on your tummy time mat. It is so sweet!
You are getting stronger every day. You can basically hold your head up on your own now with it only flopping forward every once and a while. I cant wait till you can fully support your neck so we can try out our Bob stroller at Lake Shore.
You have seen your Nana and Papa almost every week. We went to visit them in Atlanta 2 weeks ago and your Papa walked you around Buckhead and showed you off to everyone. You are so loved by them and I just know you are going to love to go visit them and play in the pool and elevators in no time.
You went to your first college football tailgate and slept through the whole thing. Mommy had you dressed in Auburn colors at a UT tailgate and thought you looked adorable. You dont know it yet, but one day you will be a huge Auburn fan! ha. Just because we live in Knoxville doesnt mean you cant be the biggest Auburn fan around!
Your sister Gracie (our Lab) is very interested in you. She loves to come up to you and lick your face and is very concerned when you are crying. She lays down beside you wherever you are sleeping and isvery protective of you already. I bet you two (along with Dale) will be big buddies in a few months.
Today you had your two month doctors appointment and had to get your first round of shots. You had three shots and an oral medication and were not a happy camper by the end.
Here you are smiling away before your shots.....
Sad little guy during the shots.....
And loving your bubby after your shots.
It truly broke my heart to see you so upset during your shots but I know its to keep you healthy. You slept most of the day after your shots and were a little sore but all and all you did a great job today buddy!
Daddy and I love you very much! Happy 2 month birthday Lukey!