Let me first start off by saying, I am so sorry I have been neglecting blogging these past several weeks. I promised myself that I would be good about capturing all the big milestone and of course I have failed at my promise. But I am going to be better I
swear.On 2/28/11, John and I headed to the doctor for our 16 week appointment. This is the appointment that I had been looking forward to for quite some time. At 16 weeks there is a very high possibility that you can determine the sex of the baby through the ultrasound. With that being said, my type A personality shined through when I booked a 3D ultrasound that day to insure that we would be able to determine the sex (go figure). From the moment we arrived at the doctors office I could not sit still. We were about 10 minutes early and waiting as patiently as we could. As I glanced at the clock every 2 seconds, I realized that we were already running 15 minutes behind. After asking John many times if he would allow me to go check what was taking so long, he finally caved after 20 minutes. Turns out, THEY LOST OUR ULTRASOUND APPOINTMENT. They had typed in the wrong code and booked it or someone else! Right at that moment, I knew the disappointment was written all over my face. I calmly asked them if there was any way they could squeeze me in due to the fact I had already invited all of our family over that night for a reveal the sex party. After several minutes of discussion, they told me to go on with my regular doctors visit and they would see what they could do about squeezing in an ultrasound.
During the doctors visit, we were lucky enough to be seeing Dr. Sanders (which is the doctor who delivered Kelly) so when she asked about the scheduling conflict I felt comfortable enough to actually tell her about what happened. After briefly explaining the situation, she walked us right over to the ultrasound room and asked them to take a look as a favor for her! She was too sweet! Right when they put the machine on my belly, it was obvious! WE WERE HAVING A BOY AND THE WHOLE ROOM KNEW IT! HA. Our baby boy had his bottom and underside facing the screen and we were able to see very clearly that he was all boy! My first reaction was to look at John. Right then and there I could see how happy he was to be having a SON. He had told me all along that it didn't matter to him what we were having but at that very moment I knew it did. He was SO EXCITED! He was going to have a future baseball player on his hands. I was very excited too! I have always said, if I could plan my family that I would have a boy first and then two girls. Although I will admit that I had a little moment when I realized that there were no bloomers or tutu's in my near future. ha. But as soon as I got past that and remembered the look on Johns face, I knew I was just as happy as he was!
They next few hours were crazy. We immediately called my parents and told them they great news. My dad was so excited to be getting a boy, he could hardly stand it. He told me he was on the way to pick him out a set of golf clubs. ha. Who knows, he probably did! Then they rest of the day was spent calling our closest friends and telling them but making them promise they
wouldn't say a word till after we had told Johns side of the family. That night, we got together with all the Taylor brothers and sisters (minus Annie who is in Nashville, but we had her on
skype) and played a little game to reveal the sex. John and I bought 8 blue and pink
balloons. We filled 7 of them with silver confetti and filled the remaining 1 blue balloon with blue "ITS A BOY" confetti. The family took turns popping the balloons until they popped the one that said what the sex was. It was hilarious because all of the girls were determined that I was having a girl but Mark and Matt were determined otherwise. To Lynn and
Kelly's surprise, they found out on the last balloon that we would be adding another little boy to the Taylor baseball team! HA.
The whole day was absolutely amazing and we just feel so blessed to be having a little boy this summer. I am already day dreaming about teaching him how to ski, wakeboard and play sports. I cant wait to be the crazy mom in the stands who thinks her kid is the best one on the team. ha. Until next time....