Christmas this year was absolutely wonderful! It was so special because it was Luke's first Christmas and we got to spend it with all of our loved ones. It was a 3 day 6day celebration and we have loved every minute of it. The festivities kicked off on Thursday night when my parents came into town and gave John and I a much needed date night and they got Luke all to themselves. I honestly think that if we lived in the same town, I would have to ask my mom if I could see my child because she would constantly want him at her house. It is so sweet how much my parents love Luke and I know he just eats up all the extra attention!! Friday night, we all got dressed up and headed over to the Taylor's house to Celebrate Christmas Eve with 23 of our closest friends/relatives. It was all the Taylors plus all of the daughters-in-laws families plus Aunt Joan, Uncle John, Maddie and Grammy. Needless to say, it was a full house. We had a wonderful time eating good food, having tons of different conversations and opening a few presents!

Taking a few pics before heading to Christmas Eve dinner!
The next morning, Luke snuggled in our bed for a little while and then it was off to open presents at the Taylors with all the siblings and little ones! The more babies we add to the mix, the more fun Christmas is to watch! It is so fun watching the little boys get so excited when they open their presents! I cant wait till Luke can really appreciate Christmas and get involved!
Luke and Lynn smiling for the camera!
Kelly, Luke and Lynn
Hank and Luke in their matching PJ's!
Luke opening his stocking!
Hudson modeling his new hat from Uncle Matt and Aunt Kelly
Mark gave Kelly 12 cupcakes because she LOVES cupcakes!
This is where Luke spent the majority of his first Christmas, just taking in all the action! I cant believe he sat there as long as he did. He would look around, play a little and then take a little cat nap and then repeat! ha
John showing off some of Luke's new presents!
Annie and Kelly got new purses
Hankie got a drum!
And even Vivi got in on the action! We cant wait to meet her and watch her open all her gifts in person next Christmas!
Daddy and Luke
By about One we finally finished with breakfast and opening presents so it was time for everyone to head home, relax and play with their new toys!
Papa loved feeding Luke his bananas and rice and Luke loved the delivery! Papa makes eating fun!
Next it was time for Luke to check out his new toys with Nana!
He wore himself out from all the excitement!
The next morning, we said goodbye to Papa and Nana and then headed back over to the Taylors to see Earls brother and sister and all their kids.
We got to spend some more quality time with the family and eat some delicious Chili!
Luke got two adorable books that I cant wait to read with him!
And Hank ate his first ever Popsicle! He loved it!
It was a wonderful week spending time with family and celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior. We have truly enjoyed every minute of our first Christmas as a family and are so thankful for the gift of our precious son this year! It was by far the best Christmas present we could have hoped for! It makes me so excited for the future and seeing our wonderful family grow bigger and bigger! The time we get to all spend together is so sweet and I just cherish every minute of it! Cant wait till next year! xoxo!